Rossby Wave Number and Wave Ray (WNWR) Package

Table of Contents


WNWR is a software package for inverstigating the Rossby wave propagation in a horizontally non-uniform basic flow (includes both U and V). The package code is written in Fortran 90 language.

The WNWR package refines the Rossby wave theory to a horizontally non-uniform basic flow, extends the classic Rossby wave theory which only consider zonal basic flow (Hoskins and Karoly 1981; Hoskins and Ambrizzi 1993). The new theory is valuable to understand the atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and extra-tropics, and between the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere, especially the linkages across the easterlies. It has been used to examine the energy dispersion trajectory associated the atmospheric teleconnections in many published papers (see Applications).


The WNWR package are described in the following papers, which should be referenced if you use WNWR package in publications:

We ask that you acknowledge us in your use of the WNWR package in any documents or publications. This may be done by including text in acknowledgement such as “We are grateful to Prof. Jianping Li, Dr. Yanjie Li, and Dr. Sen Zhao making the Rossby wave tracing code readily available.” Thank you!

Availability to the code

For those finding of interest in using the WNWR package, please ask Prof. Jianping Li (Email: or myself (Email: to get the package code. We would appreciated if you can briefly introduce your plan about the use of this package.